Monday, September 16, 2019

So, what if CA emigrants turn TX blue?

The electoral college is one safeguard the wise American Founders put in place to protect minorities from the stupidity and malice of a majority.  So, what happens when stupid and malicious Demo rats of today (I am coming perilously close to redundancy here) from Blue States migrate in big numbers to the Red ones, thereby turning those Red states Blue?

That seems to be something of a concern as many CA residents appear to be moving into TX.

We should ask, though, whether those fleeing the cesspit of leftist ideology that CA is fast becoming are the non-leftists getting sick of the cesspit (meaning that the remaining ever-more-leftist residents can engage in ever more ideological inbreeding free from any input or check from the Deplorables), thereby not really affecting the left/right composition in TX.

And if we have a large influx of people from high-tax Blue states into lower-tax Red ones, that could well spark a more robust national conversation than there has been so far, as to what about Blue states is driving so many people into the Red ones.  How would the Blue ones come out looking good after such a discussion?  Perhaps what the non-Blue folks would notice more than ever from such a discussion is how utterly pathetic the Dems/leftists are at giving explanations for anything that anyone besides the leftist Kool-Aid drinkers would find credible.

But say that these CA-to-TX people are Dems who turn TX blue.  Well, then, the electoral college becomes that much less of a defense against Demo rat malice an idiocy being imposed on everyone else.  And that would be unfortunate.  Perhaps by some 'dialectical' movement of ideas, new defenses against the pestilence will mutate into existence, but I can't envision what those new defenses would be.

But at least it would still be quite the task for Dems to go about destroying the Senate.