Sunday, September 29, 2019

Demo rats and impeachment: much worse than partisan hypocrisy

I wrote a post on the general topic of Demo rats and impeachment just yesterday, but I want to focus in on one essential point I raised there to highlight how monstrous these creatures have become these days:
This is the group of creatures, remember, whose standards for impeachment (of their political opponents, that is) is such that they were rushing to call for impeachment of Kavanaugh on no good evidence whatsoever (all the while letting a Demo rat president get away with obvious perjury - how intellectually and morally perverted is that?).  They can't be trusted.
The Demo rats' treatment of Kavanaugh was beyond the pale, clearly so, enough to disgust even some Dems who apparently didn't speak out loud enough against the obvious perversity.  If ever the 'rats destroyed their intellectual and moral credibility, it is because of their reckless attempt to destroy Kavanaugh.

What the current crop of filthy, disgusting, toxic slime known as the Democratic leadership in Congress and their enablers in the media and elsewhere consider to be justified, is the following:

Impeach and/or destroy someone without any credible evidence
Let someone else get away with obvious perjury

In other words, knowingly and deliberately punish the (presumed) innocent and let the (clearly) guilty go unpunished.

This isn't comparing like with like and then pointing to a partisan double standard.  This is more sick and twisted than that.  It's one thing to be a partisan hypocrite; it's another to uphold utterly opposed standards of evidence and punishment on purely partisan grounds.  That makes the destroy-Kavanaugh crowd unqualified evil-doers, people who have no business having power in a sane and civil polity.  Morally speaking they are criminals operating under the pretense of doing hardball politics.  They are beyond the pale.  They are sick and twisted fucks.  They are not owed respect, deference, the presumption of good faith, the presumption that they are decent human beings.  The proper attitude to take to the sort of people who adhere to the even-worse-than-double-standard above is one of distrust and enmity.  They are enemies of the good and decency.  They contravene the spirit if not letter of the Constitution they swore to uphold, when they so extremely pervert law and justice (whether for partisan ends or anything else).  They are thugs and should be regarded as such.

Sen. Graham put it in less harsh tones:

If this is the sort of outright perversity that is being normalized, enabled, abetted, excused, not spoken out against, etc., on today's American left, then that speaks even worse about them than everything else I've been criticizing them for up to now.  This puts them into a different category of evil.  There is no good reason whatsoever to concede intellectual and moral credibility to any of the left/Dems/"progressives" who failed to do the right thing during or after the Kavanaugh episode.

If anything, it is the likes of Scumbag Kamala Harris who should be impeached, formally censured, or otherwise punished for fraudulently using the judicial process as a weapon of personal and political destruction.  In no uncertain terms is she and her behavior fraudulent: this career prosecutor declared that she believed Kavanaugh's accuser before hearing the defense's side.  Other leading Demo rat politicians (including Warren, Biden and Sanders) are on the record affirming that Kavanaugh's accuser was credible (and Kavanaugh not credible) enough that Kavanaugh's career should be ended.  (Of course, they accuse Kavanaugh of lying under oath to the Judiciary Committee, in which case the mere usual ol' double standard is at play: they let Clinton get away with perjury but found Kavanaugh's "unacceptable."  Actually, it's obvious Clinton lied; is it obvious in any way that Kavanaugh did?  So even there it's not comparing like with like.)  They fed and enabled media and grass roots hysteria about Kavanaugh's "credible accusers."  And they repeated the same vile act, recklessly rushing to raise or renew calls for impeachment within minutes of "new" allegations coming to light just in the past month that turned out to be a dud along with the others.

This is dead-to-rights stuff if ever there was any.  These creatures don't even meet minimal standards of basic decency.  They can't be treated as co-equals in a search for truth because they sabotage the very underpinnings of that.  It is intellectual and moral bankruptcy, if not outright malicious evil, not to recognize and repudiate this sub-decent, beyond-the-pale-even-for-politics perversity for what it is.  And that appears to be the intellectual and moral state of the American left today.  On the merits their intellectual and moral credibility are utterly destroyed.  It doesn't please me to say such things, but it's where the totality of the evidence inexorably leads.