Saturday, September 28, 2019

A simple either-or-or (re "educators" and "white privilege")

Say that caucasian students in America are brought up in the classroom from First Grade onward to acknowledge and make confessions of their "white privilege."  Can this be expected to:

(1) Improve educational outcomes, create better learners/knowers and more thoughtful citizens, etc.
(2) Have deleterious effects on educational outcomes
(3) Have little to no effect either way

"Progressive educators" are in effect staking their reputations on (1).  Are these "progressive educators" nearly as bright and morally advanced as they evidently think they are?  Why are they pushing this whole "white privilege" narrative on their impressionable captive audience when they could be advancing the no-brainer Philosophy for Children agenda, instead (or at the least in addition to the "white privilege" crap which is a transparent effort by the left to cover for half a century of cultural and policy failings)?

I, for one, would love to see empirical data on the effects of the "white privilege" crap and the whole cluster of related dogmas and associated Newspeak, etc., on educational outcomes.  The "educators" should be more than willing to subject their programs to such empirical scrutiny, or else they wouldn't be very honorable or credible, now, would they.

They should also be more than willing to show how all that additional student loan and other taxpayer money being poured into the "education" system to (e.g.) better bureaucratically administer all this crap, leads to outcomes per dollar worth all that extra expense.

Otherwise, aren't they (as I have come increasingly to suspect) basically caught dead to rights parasitically and hubristically sucking off a surplus from the taxpayer in order to promote easily discredited, toxic af, ideologically-inbred leftist crap?

The likes of AOC are not a positive educational outcome, BTW.

Am I missing anything here?

I'm going with (2).  Have you seen the shitshow that has resulted from the "educators" doing their thing up until now, much less going forward?  If you haven't seen it, have you been in a cave?

[Addendum: on what planet is it to be expected that a recent "cutting edge" measure, the removal of the mural at the George Washington school in San Francisco, will lead to better outcomes, much less avoid worse ones?  The only "lesson" I see being imparted to (i.e., indoctrinated into) the students is that it is okay to feel "harmed" by exposure to history and artworks.  No, this story isn't satire, unfortunately; these "educators" in all their cult-like moral fervor are actually behaving this fucking stupidly.  See the "inbred" link above for more madness in the same vein.]