The image above says a bunch but here's another image that also comes to mind:
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There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops, or greasers; here you are all equally worthless! |
America needs to get rid of its racism, structural and otherwise, but more than that the American left in need of getting its philosophical act together. And that is why I intend to trigger these fucking losers as much as needed to get the point across. They are in desperate need of the boot-camp treatment because as disappointing, dysfunctional and occasionally disgusting the racial situation in this country is, it hardly even begins to compare to the absolutely and utterly loathsome, shitty, grabasstically unorganized intellectual state of the American Left. They have reduced themselves to subhuman scum (qua leftists; they might be functional people in other respects). But inside every one of those filthy maggots is a lover of wisdom trying to get out.
I've written about the main fundamental problems with leftism before. To recap the basics plus whatever else new comes to mind: Leftists are obsessed with the political because it's their religion-substitute, their source of meaning in "something greater than themselves." They're full of hubris and conceit about their supposed intellectual and moral superiority. They refuse to listen in good faith to the strongest, steelmanned version of their opponents' thinkers/arguments. Their anti-capitalism is for losers, at root a rationalization of envy and resentment. They have their own lives together no more than anyone else and yet they think they have the wisdom (although they don't think in terms of wisdom, or else they'd be full-on dialectically advanced steelmanning-as-fuck philosophers) to direct the lives of everyone else, and all by force no less (given their politics-as-meaning mindset). As an expert on Ayn Rand's thought I know with a 100% certainty that they haven't the faintest how to steelman Rand's philosophy and insist on attacking a strawman version, every time. They're oblivious to Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition, anyway, else they'd demonstrate having a single fucking clue about the virtue-ethics tradition over and above their own ethically narrow fairness-and-harm set of criteria (the steelman version of which are found in the Kantian and utilitarian traditions, especially). I think I have developed over time some pretty well-attuned (not infallible, mind you) "ring of truth" sensibilities, and Dennis Prager's claim that there is no wisdom on the left rings true as a general diagnosis of the left's present potentiality-squandering condition.
When it comes to the subject of race or racism in particular, they come across as even more appallingly pathetic than usual (qua leftists). Their ever-expanding racism-narrative is borne of one basic flaw in their worldview: they refuse to face up to the fact that their preferred social policies have failed to the situation of blacks and minorities, and so instead of responding to the intrusion of reality in this regard they double down and insist that this failure is attributable instead to structural and other racism. But the reality is that their essential failure here is one of hubris and lack of wisdom.
Case in point:
When University of Pennsylvania Law Prof. Amy Wax said - quite eminently reasonably and in obvious good faith - that the black community could benefit from an infusion of bourgeois values, the reaction of the campus left at Penn (faculty as well as students) was to melt down in epic fashion. This bunch of ill-educated Ivy League fuckheads reacted by pulling out every little dirty trick in the current leftist playbook to try to discredit and smear Prof. Wax. Much as they do with Donald Trump, they seized upon mainly one statement she made about the success of European whites (probably in response to a question for the article in which her statement appeared, so we don't have the full context for that statement, now, do we), amplified the racial element of that statement, and made it the only story - going out of their way to miss whatever legitimate point was contained therein. Likewise, when Wax referenced the era in which she saw bourgeois values flourishing - roughly, the 1950s - the leftist Ivy League fucks decided to focus only on the pre-Civil-Rights racial discrimination that existed then, as if that were the thing Wax was talking about. So instead of it being about bourgeois values the leftist Ivy League shit-for-brainses went out of their way to make it about "white supremacism" instead. Go look at the link for yourself and read in detail what this bunch of loathsome lowlife leftist losers did in response to Wax's reasonable argument.
Now, where on earth, pray tell, would an entire mass of Ivy League students and faculty have ever gotten the idea that this was a normal and acceptable approach to conversation about difficult and contentious subject matter? Is it possible that the mentality that led to such an easily-triggered meltdown when the chips were down is pervasive in the academy? And what measures, exactly, have the academic Left taken to remedy this problem after it's been made abundantly evident by Jonathan Haidt and other researchers? I ask because, as far as I can tell, they haven't done jack shit to remedy the problem.
So I submit that the ugly incident at Penn is, roughly speaking, the "best" that the American left is able to come up with when confronted with a reasonable argument from the other side that triggers them in just the right way. Yes, their response to a law professor's reasonable argument about bourgeois values was to cry racism, and that's the best we can expect from the crowd of lunatics that is the American Left today. Fucking pathetic. Fucking worms!
[Edit: New shit has come to light. Reportedly Prof. Wax said something directly and unambiguously racist, although Wax is saying her comments have been distorted. And guess what: the left has so badly shit away its credibility that when I see reports such as this I cannot believe them on their face any longer, without full access to the original materials. That's what these fucking losers get for their established pattern of intellectual malpractice. They blew it. Further, none of this affects the facts about the 2017 bourgeois-values episode linked and discussed above, nor absolves the Penn leftists of their intellectual malpractice then. They're every bit as much the losers even if there happens to be a racist around when they cry "racist!" Tough shit, huh? [Update: and guess what, it's the same ol' caricature/smear tactics, quite obviously so to anyone exercising decency and restraint. Racism-crying leftists being scum again, not surprising in the least. Fuck 'em!]]
Unless/until the leftist worms fix their own problems they forfeit all moral right to whine and cry about racism and attribute blame, because I for one am sick and tired of hearing all that from them. I have had it up to here with their shit. No more; putting the foot down. Can you imagine MLK acting like this bunch of divisive, angry, dialogue-avoiding whiners? No, you cannot. He was too constructive-minded, and he also took seriously - something the left no longer does - the ideal that people be judged by the content of their character, and that means that the cultivation of character (so as to make lofty judgment commensurate with lofty character, of course) should be of the highest priority. And it also means some basic intellectual honesty about how much the mentality of leftism (which becomes more unhinged and epistemically reckless by the day) has victimized minorities perhaps more than anything else this past half century.
(And, yes, I've already anticipated the "best" rhetorical chicanery the left might come up with in response to Wax: she's claiming that black people fail to adopt bourgeois values such as hard work and thrift, thereby perpetuating mean stereotypes about blacks. Of course, the same thing coming out of the pen of a Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams elicits crickets from the racism-cryers. But another dialectically appropriate response to the chicanery about mean stereotypes is that what triggers the left about "bourgeois values" is the prescription standing fundamentally at odds with what their worldview dictates, which is that the solution is political/taxpayer-funded. This is not even to touch upon what may be the elephant in the room, which is the percentage of single-parent households in the black community. Blaming, e.g., mass incarceration doesn't really ring true to me, since that demographic trend was already in place before the last half century. And when a leftist like Sen. Cory Booker is pointing to mass incarceration since the early '90s, the natural thing to wonder is whether he looks at the benefit side of the equation as well as the cost: what has happened to the nation's murder rate since that time, and what does that mean in terms of the number of black bodies in prison instead of six feet under? While I don't know all the specific numbers here, I do know that the nation's murder fate has fallen considerably. And what I do know - the Wax episode being Exhibit A - is that leftists have avoided a good-faith dialogue about these difficult and controversial topics. And, to top off this little digression about sociocultural trends and their effects on life opportunities and outcomes, this item which very recently came to my attention points to what may be the one most fundamental causal factor for a given locale: social capital. Well, duh, Aristotle had that figured out long ago. And what better and more comprehensive a way to build that social capital than, you know, philosophy? If leftists weren't so busy misplacing their priorities and obsessing about the narrowly political while pretending to be intellectually superior, they would know this already.)
In short: Someone needs to gouge out leftists' eyeballs and skullfuck them without the courtesy of a reach-around while they drop and give the instructor 20 push-ups, which is another way of saying they need philosophy fucked right into them if that's what it takes to get it in there. This is in no way to deny the role and responsibility of the Right in the nation's intellectual bankruptcy (they'll overcome the presumption of blame here just as soon as they start talking all about philosophy), but neither the Right nor even the Left until recently have been nearly as vile and vicious as the Left has become today. (I'd say the pathology involved became more screamingly obvious in the last 5 years or so. But the roots run deep and the chickens have come home to roost.) Incontrovertible proof of this point is that it wasn't until recently that the Left resorted to crying racism every 5 seconds as reality keeps intruding upon their worldview. Hopefully this not-so-slow-mo trainwreck can serve as a lesson to both Right and Left about how not to go about things, and perhaps even lead them sooner or later to philosophy as (at the very least) the best prophylactic against such degradation.