Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Music to my eyes: Noonan on "progressives"

(imagery and sound I might associate with such a smackdown would be the album cover and sequence beginning here)

I can't recall Peggy Noonan (WSJ, 1/4/20) laying it on quite so hard on anyone before, and she's absolutely fucking spot on:

The past decade saw the rise of the woke progressives [sic] who dictate what words can be said and ideas held, thus poisoning and paralyzing American humor, drama, entertainment, culture and journalism.  In the coming 10 years someone will effectively stand up to them.  They are the most hated people in America, and their entire program is accusation: you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic; you are a bigot, a villain, a white male, a patriarchal misogynist, your day is over.  They never have a second move.  Bow to them, as most do, and they'll accuse you of even more of newly imagined sins.  They claim to be vulnerable victims, and moral.  Actually they're not.  They're mean and seek to kill, and like all bullies are cowards.  [Unable to achieve on a level field of play: Cowards! Weaklings! BUMS!  Brandt will fill you in on the details.]

Everyone with an honest mind hates them.  Someone will finally move effectively against them.  Who?  How?  That will be the story of the '20s, and a good one.
As to who might pull this off and how, I have a bit of an idea, at least with regard to the "how" part: an indispensable part of any maximally effective strategy for standing up to these cowardly bullies is to go right to the source: the goddamn cancerous Academic Left and its systematic, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt intellectual dishonesty.  These destructive, anti-capitalism, commie-sympathizing, anti-America, anti-commonsense scum have built into their very MO (or, if you will, their intellectual DNA) every which tactic in the book to shit all over the basic principles of fair and decent dialogue.  They insist on caricaturing and smearing their political opposition at every opportunity, and on ignoring the toughest challenges from same.  They pretend to themselves and (insultingly) to others that their idea/arguments are no-brainer winners over the competition (and hence that the competition must be the dumb/despicable ones).

Not nearly as bright as they think they are; chock full of hubris/conceit/smugness; more clever than wise and not very clever at that; ignoble and base; unserious; unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit; intellectually reckless, lazy and wasteful; evasive under challenge; dogmatic; fanatical; beholden to cult/groupthink; authoritarian; proto-totalitarian; ugly of soul and spirit; chronically hateful; and philosophically vacuous and illiterate (for which the win-win solution is right under their very snooty noses).  Oh, who might face down these putrid motherfuckers, indeed....

We might start with revoking any supposed claims these nincompoops have to the labels "woke" or "progressive" or anything of the sort.  Those words they don't get to claim for the hot mess they've made/become.  No, they don't need to be removed, destroyed, or defunded by an angry mob of taxpaying Americans -- not as long as they clean up their fucking act.

[Addendum: more common sense along these lines from another newly-discovered blog.  (Again, how didn't I discover it earlier, rather than have my attention directed toward (e.g.) the twitter cesspool?...).]