Saturday, October 12, 2019

Demo rats as a/the new Stupid Party


From a facebook timeline:
"For decades I have chuckled with Democrats about the astounding idiocies of the Stupid Party. Now that the Democracy has taken on that dubious mantle, I sure would like to chuckle with the Republicans for a change. Alas, this is tricky, seeing as how the GOP has not lost its Stupid Party standing by getting any wiser."
It's not just Trump/Republicans/right-wingers saying this stuff, folks.  The intellectual meltdown of the American left both before and after Trump is not only (sadly) the real thing, but is becoming increasingly obvious to those with a clue.  Gone are the days of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, i.e., of maintaining some intellectual quality control and of checking leftward drift (which come to the same thing...).  Not only that, the Dems, who dominate the institutions of "education," have that much less of an excuse for becoming such a pitiful spectacle.

[Addendum 10/16: Many members of this new Stupid Party use up quite a bit of valuable brain space and talking energy informing everyone that "Hillary won the popular vote," making no mention of the fact that neither Trump nor Clinton bothered to campaign in states like CA.  Do these numbskulls really believe that Trump wouldn't have gained in popular vote totals if he campaigned in CA more?  Can they not accept the fact that (a) there is wisdom in the Electoral College format; and (b) Trump simply out-campaigned Clinton in the crucial swing states?  Clinton's failure to even step foot in WI is her own responsibility regardless of whom she chooses to blame; the bum lost.  The only thing her attempt to shift blame/responsibility does, is to reinforce the impression that Demo rats are the type to shift blame for their own failings so as to justify higher taxes on the 'winners' and using the proceeds to subsidize failure.]