Tuesday, June 25, 2019

On rape accusations against political figures (and today's left/Dem scummery)

The first rule of assessing rape accusations against political figures (news-cycle context) is: be very, very skeptical.  Why?

I might have thought it should go without saying why.  But to spell it out: Because the consequences of a public believing such rape accusations can have major political implications - and people motivated by political considerations know this.  That gives people with political motivations an incentive to make (or promote/hype) the allegations, at little to no cost to themselves.

It's almost as though - in the political context - we should assume that the person making the accusation is doing so out of political motivation, unless there is clear and compelling evidence to support it.

(There's also this: politicians in great numbers are intellectually bankrupt, cynical, hypocritical, etc. - but it tends to ruin political careers when serious and especially criminal wrongdoing is uncovered.  Despite all the intellectual and moral corruption in politics, there is a vetting process for the really serious shit.)

Otherwise, the rape accusations can be exploited in the expected hypocritical ways by whichever party stands to gain from the exploitation.

The chief offenders in this regard nowadays are Democrats.

Watch for the buzzword "credibly accused."  The Demon Rat scum applied that phrase to Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Brett Kavanaugh - a despicable display of Demon Rat intellectual and moral bankruptcy I detail here.  (And as I mentioned in a subsequent post, not only could the accuser(s) not provide specifics as to time and place, but no one else came forward to say what supposed party it might have been that both Ford and Kavanaugh attended.  Shouldn't that fact have jumped right out at the lawyers on the Judiciary Committee ffs?)

Watch for Demon Rats going through mental gymnastics so that they don't have to call on a Democrat accused of rape (or one proven to have worn blackface - something a GOP politician has next to zero chance of getting away with) to resign if it means losing power to Republicans.

Watch for Demon Rats to get skeptical all of a sudden when a Democrat president is accused of rape.

Watch for Demon Rats to immediately assume the worst (i.e., sexual assault) and go out of their way to ignore context when an opposing politician says "grab 'em by the pussy."

Hell, the Demon Rats' cynical behavior on these counts is exactly why rape accusations against political figures should be met with skepticism, else such behavior only encourages politically-motivated false/unfounded accusations.

It's just like with impeaching a sitting president for obstruction of justice: the Democrats blew their credibility when holding Clinton and Trump to different standards.  They are pinned in a corner of their own making, dead to rights.  (Same goes for the generations of socialist/leftist intellectuals who by all rights are roundly discredited by historical practice and sound economic and moral theory; they had their chance and they blew it, on a catastrophic scale.)  Such is the logical consequence of culpable intellectual bankruptcy/corruption.  Until they ever clean up their act, fuck 'em!