Thursday, January 24, 2019

The left's MAGA hat meltdown

TRIGGER WARNING: If you're triggered by a hat, grow the fuck up.

Image result for maga hat

They just can't help themselves, can they.  The latest envelope-pushing from the pseudo-progressive left is that the MAGA hat is a symbol of racism -- maybe even the new KKK white hood.  A Demon Rat member of Congress has gotten in on the act.  (Talk about unhinged....)

This indicates that they just don't get it.  Their very meltdown-style reaction to the hat shows that the hat is working to illustrate its very purpose: the left-wing hate-Trump types are the reason that America needs to be 'made great again.'

Assume that a MAGA hat wearer believes that America needs to be saved from the left-wing takeover of its institutions.  The thought behind this could be, "Boy, the Trump-haters sure are intellectually childish and over the top, I'll just keep on wearing this hat and let the haters keep self-destructing whenever they see it and get 'triggered' by it."  And then the haters oblige.

The lefties wouldn't even know whether they were being trolled the MAGA hat, they've gone so far off the deep end.

[Addendum: Why are so many lefties in meltdown mode right now?  A lot of it has to do with how poor an example their so-called leaders set.  Which only invites the question: who is setting the bad example for them?]

[Addendum #2: If you won't hear me out on this, at the very least give Dilbert creator Scott Adams a chance?]