Saturday, December 1, 2018

Resuming blog, even though weed ain't legal nationwide yet

(but it will be, ohhhh it will be, and it'll be great. ^_^ )

I went 'on strike' from blogging on 4/20/2013, stating 'no-brainer' conditions for returning such as: national weed legalization, marriage equality (this one has come to pass), and various other, more grandiose-seeming no-brainers (such as essentially libertarianism/laissez-faire in political philosophy along the lines of a cluster of thinkers past and present including Rand, Nozick, Rothbard, Mises, Hayek, Milton and David Friedman, Locke, Spencer, Mack, Den Uyl and Rassmussen, Sciabarra, the list of libertarian dialectical grandmasters could go on and on and on...) that'll truly take a while if I don't have anything to say about it.

Implementing something along the lines of an Aristotelian-Thomistic-Randian synthesis is also most likely a no-brainer, as well; see my book for that, over there on the top right column.  (How does Hegel fit into this?)

Anyway, in good cheer I am resuming this blog for the time being, even though no-brainer weed legalization ain't happened yet, just to kind of get a feel of what might happen next.  I've been hanging on every word of my trains of thought lately, and figured why not let some with-it readers get a look in as well.  I guess I'll start with some really fun polemics against what has become a favorite whipping boy of mine, political leftism. ^_^